Sunday, January 27, 2013

Subtle Captivation, Week Four: People Around Me

January 21-27th: People Around Me 

Oh how I have failed this week. Not in pictures; I have TONS of pictures. But I didn’t write anything at all.
Highlights of my week:
  • Talking with friends (Renaye, Helen, Mason, Josh)
  • Young Women’s (my mom made a video picture montage for her introducing me)
  • Pointe class (my calves hurt for two days after but it’s so worth it!)
  • I got addicted to The Bachelor. We’ll see how this goes O.o
  • There were several others I just can’t remember right now…
  • Oh yeah, head over to my sister’s salon page on Facebook and like it
  • While you’re at it, like my personal page as well as my photography page, Forever AfterPhotography  

~La vie est belle, Bri~

Monday, January 21, 2013

Subtle Captivation: People Around Me: Week Three

1/14/13 People Around Me
Today was stressful and busy. Megan went to the hospital to be with my grandma during her surgery, and Ben and I attempted to get things done as well as entertain the kids.

1/14/13 People Around Me
We went to visit my grandma in the hospital, and I found out that there is such a thing as a hot doctor! Or, in this case, intern shadowing my grandma’s doctor. He was attractive, but not only that, he was caring and talkative, making conversation with my grandma as he did his work (aka, gave her a shot of pain meds). That’s my three pence for today. Cute doctor. Yep.

1/15/13 People Around Me
First dance class! I was super-duper nervous, thought I wouldn’t be good enough. Psh, um, I rocked that class. AND, I get to go on pointe *major freak out* The girls in the class are really nice and the teacher is too. As a side note, the teacher looks and acts like a 16 year old, but she’s 20, and married. Can you tell she’s Mormon?
Also, stayed up super late talking to Mason because of the time difference. That was entertaining :D

1/16/13 People Around Me
Spent today nursing a sick Kaleb; poor thing had a high fever and threw up all last night. I walked to mutual with Ashlee, and had a Personal Progress Night. Ashlee is turning 18 on Tuesday! I am either way too mature for my age, or she’s immature for her age. Maybe we meet somewhere in the middle? Ah well, hoping to go get fitted for pointe shoes tomorrow. J

1/17/13 People Around Me
I know I haven’t posted any pictures yet, and I’m going to, I swear! It’s just been hard enough to make sure I post on time and write something about each day. I realized I created each theme as if it were only going to be photography and that it’s really hard to write about someone every day, especially when you’re at home most of the day and week like I am now. So bear with me as I figure out how to do this.

Today was a big day. Do you know why? Well, I guess you do, considering I said so already, but I went and got fitted for pointe shoes! The first six shoes (in various sizes) weren’t working very well, my foot was jamming against the front of it and they were uncomfortable; ore uncomfortable than they should have been. But then she brought out this beautiful sleek Grishko shoe and it was magical! It fit perfectly, or as perfect as it could be without being made for me. I’m kind of in heaven. Or at least on the staircase, as I have to go back and buy them a different day because I didn’t have enough money today *facepalm* $117 including the shoes, toe pads (which will last two years), elastics, and ribbon. Not too bad.

1/18/13 People Around Me
You know it’s bad when you start thinking “It’s only Friday?”. Adelaide had a doctor’s appointment today, so Ben, Megan, and her left early this morning. Spent most of the day trading off children (while Paxton slept, Kaleb played, while Kaleb played, Paxton slept), editing pictures, and I got to watch a live interview on HSNLive with Josh Groban! YEEES.
An old woman skyped during the show to ask Josh a question, and she had a cardboard cutout of Josh Groban behind her. WHAT?!

1/19/13 People Around Me
I cleaned the living room and kitchen today, organized it, and surprisingly had a lot of fun. Then I went downstairs and did my make-up and curled my hair just for the heck of it. THEN, Ben took me to get my pointe shoes from the store where they were holding them for me. Now I need to sew the elastic and ribbons on. I’m nervous that’ll I’ll do it wrong.
Next month you’ll get something more creative for a post, but this month I kind of just did what I could.

1/20/13 People Around Me
Kimber got home, yaaaaay!!! Also, I started sewing my pointe shoes. Be proud. Although I only did finish one shoe…
We went to Walmart. I freaked some people out I was so hyper and happy to be out. Anyway. Ben’s dad is here now, too. He loves the kids, and they absolutely adore him.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week Two, Subtle Captivation: People Around Me

1/7/13 People Around Me

Today was spent getting ready for my flight down to Utah. Extremely busy, hectic. Said good bye to some people at the studio (Renaye, Rachel, Bekah, and Shannon!), and on the way to the airport I stopped and said good bye to Helen. The entire time Mason was messaging me, like the awesome friend he is. Renaye started texting me as I was about to get on the airplane, so we didn’t get to talk long.

1/8/13 People Around Me I arrived here in Utah at 10am this morning. Got off the plane, got my baggage, and drove to Megan’s house with Grandpa (after a 32 mile detour while we talked). Watched babies, and then tried to sleep. I realized I’m a bit spoiled by having a regular time I talk to people. It was weird not talking to Mason or Renaye when it was 12am o.O

1/9/13 People Around Me First day of babysitting, Elizabeth came over and helped clean and made babies lunch. I went to a Stake Young Women’s activity. Sadly disappointed in the lack of Priest’s, but the activity was fun, and I met some fun people.

1/10/13 People Around Me Monsters. Monsters everywhere. Also, Adelaide came home from the hospital. Went shopping with Kimber at the mall, looking for a pair of shoes. Left my wallet at Burlington on accident. Talked to Renaye, Helen, Mason, and Jamison.

1/11/13 People Around Me Went shopping with Megan and Ben and the kids. Got food, a pair of shoes, and recovered my wallet that I left at Burlington on accident yesterday. That was fun.

1/12/13 People Around Me Ran errands with Megan, Kimber, the kids, and Colton and Tori. Colton and Tori needed more food, and we needed to pick up some make-up for Kimber’s photo shoot. Then we came home and Kimber started working on my hair at 2pm, and we finished hair and make-up both at around 5:30. Ran out to do some pictures and came home and watched Bunheads in mah bed,

1/13/13 People Around Me Woke up at 10am, took a shower, kimber did my hair and make up for the picture, finished at around 1:30pm. Went and took the pictures, and got back and Kimber started putting some blonde high lights in my grandma’s hair, and realized she had some bleach left over so she put a couple high lights in my hair. Oh, church was cancelled, by the way. That’s why we didn’t go. Yep.

~La vie est belle, Bri~

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week One, Subtle Captivation: People Around Me

People Around Me

Disclaimer: I basically ended up doing a regular blog post/journal entry type thing after the first day this week. 

1/1/13 People Around Me: Abigail
Abigail is my younger sister. She is a beautiful, vibrant, talkative, and quite active four year old. What many people don’t know is that Abigail was born with an extremely rare heart defect called Tetrology of Fallot. She’s been attached to my hip since the day she came home from the hospital in Seattle with my mom, eight days after she was born. Although she has nearly died several times in her young life, Abigail is thriving. It’s fascinating watching how much she has changed.

Abigail started speech therapy as well as preschool two years ago, but she didn’t really start thriving until she switched to a smaller preschool class taught at the home of a friend of ours. Now Abigail has an avid fascination with letters and numbers, constantly pointing them out with exclamations of delight and sounding them out; “Ahhh” for “A” and “Sssss” for “S” are her favorites. Because we’re so close I can understand Abigail’s gestures and words with only a small amount of effort now that she has new words in her vocabulary, and boy does she talk. She’s a true Smith, using her hands and her words at the same time to communicate the full meaning, jabbering almost nonstop.

Her fascination doesn’t end with words and numbers though. It extends to my cat, Jasmine, as well as soda and candy and anything else with sugar in it, and bags. For Christmas we bought Abigail a unicorn back pack similar to a pillow pet (except it’s a back pack, obviously) because she would always steal mine and my mom’s bags and fill them with little treasures. My poor cat is so patient and sweet. She allows Abigail to do basically anything to her with only small protest. I’m sad to be leaving Abigail when I go to Utah next week (I’ll be there for nearly eight months). I don’t know what I’ll do without her!

1/2/13 People Around Me: Mason, JayCee, and Forrest Today I went on a date with Mason, doubling with Forrest and JayCee. It was just…fun. A lot of fun. We painted shirts and ate pizza, and then went on a photo scavenger hunt. Mason stayed for dinner and the my siblings wouldn't leave him alone, he is now their favorite person in the world.
All in all, today was fantastic.  

 1/3/13 People Around Me
 I was supposed to get my permit today. Yeah, that failed. Note, I didn’t say I failed. We didn’t actually go to get it, but to make up for it I got to help with a 4 month old photo shoot AND….I got to hold her for 45 minutes. BESTDAYEVER. She was such a happy baby, too. Smiling and giggling and it was just so cute! I noticed that the mother had a heavy Spanish accent, and a little trouble with her English, but when her husband came in, he had impeccable English with only a slight accent.

The way he carried himself, I thought he was military. Upright, respectful, and aware. Turns out he’s actually a carpenter, but he was raised on a farm in a…er…well he said “Kind of like the Amish, but almost like a cult”, until they moved and he attended public school. Weird? Yes, my mom said she thinks he probably meant the Mennonites.

1/4/13 People Around Me
Once again, we attempted to get my permit, but we forgot my birth certificate and social security card. I cried. In my defense, it’d been a long day of waiting at the church while my mom helped with a funeral. I helped a bit with food, but today was just…dull. I didn’t want to do anything. Anyway, it was fun to watch the way the Sister Walther thought about all the little details and what needed to be done, and then helping to get them accomplished. Sister Jones lightheartedly made jokes while accomplishing what needed to be done. The women in my ward are quite fantastic.

 1/5/13 People Around Me
Swabamalama. Today was mah birthday party. First, we picked up Renaye at her house, then we went to the DMV in Eagle River, and then went back to Regina’s house where she “dressed” me. Then we went to the ice rink (Renaye rode on my lap because we had Regina and Stephen with us, and only three seats).

When we arrived at the ice rink, we met up with Helen and Bekah. Skip along to when Mason arrived as well, and then we all played tag and did a conga line. Yeah, we’re weird. Also, I fell. Well, “fell” is somewhat of an understatement. I kind of almost flew, and then hit the ground with extreme force. I have a wonderfully giant bruise from that. On my knees, hip, and hands. Worth it, though.

We then split into two cars and drove over to Pizza Hut where Holly, Kori, and Diego showed up. Boom, everybody who is gonna show up is here, yay! Proceed some entertaining conversations, head over to Pizza Hut after eating only a small amount of the FIVE PIZZAS my parents ordered, and then some silent observation.

Basically, there were three groups of friends at my party.

  1. Wasilla/dance friends (Renaye and Bekah) 
  2. Eagle River friends (Mason, Regina, Holly, Kori, and Stephen) 
  3. Anchorage Friends (Helen and Diego) 

It was hard, not going to lie, trying to breach the gap between the different groups of people. Seriously! It’s as if they just didn’t have anything in common at all. Hmm.

After saying goodbye, we headed home (we gave Bekah and Renaye a ride), and I basically spent the rest of the day trying not to fall asleep and backing up my phone.

1/6/13 People Around Me

We ended up getting to church after sacrament ended. JayCee and I went to the Gospel Doctrine class because we didn’t have a teacher and were rebelling against being put into a younger class again.

Teacher: Could I get a volunteer for prayer?
Adult: I can do it
JayCee: *wide eyes, whispers* People actually volunteer in here!

We had the beginning of Relief Society, and then had a combined class. I got pulled out for the first part of the class to go watch my dad get ordained as a High Priest (that’s what it’s called, right? Above Elder?). Went back to class, had testimony meeting, and then started saying goodbye to everyone. I stopped and said goodbye to Becca and Caity in the hallway, and my mom left me at the church. My dad was still there, but he’s the ward clerk and had things he needed to do, so I didn’t get home until 4:30 (church gets out at 2pm).

The rest of the day kind of lazed by.

~La vie est belle, Bri~

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Subtle Captivation

Here’s the thing…I’ve decided to start a new project. I know what you’re thinking, but I am determined to stick with this one! Here’s what it is.

The name is "Subtle Captivation".

Every month has a theme. Each day I will take a picture and write something to go along with the theme. It can be poetry, observation, anything. This happens every day of the week, but I’ll post the entire thing on Sunday. Some weeks may be longer than others, that’s just life. Deal with it.

Here are the themes:

January: People Around Me
February: Change
March: Color
April: Religion
May: Light
June: Beauty
July: Clothing
August: Knowledge
September: Loss
October: Memories
November: Dance
December: Music

~La vie est belle, Bri~