Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How To Debate

So, I like politics, right? Right. And I thought I had a pretty good hand on what my views were. I knew I didn't like Barack Obama. Why? Well, he's a Democrat....and he's wasting money...and...and....well, he's just not right for the job...right? Well, I was made a member of a group on a site called Goodreads, and it had a thread called "Barack Obama". Of course my thought is that hey, I should post in there.

So I did.

Every couple days someone would respond to me, and we had this nice little chat about Barack Obama; I got slammed a couple times, but it never bothered me. Well, since I had so much fun with that, I decided "hey, why don't I start my own political group where we can talk about this stuff all the time?"

So I did.

My mistake was naming the group "Political Debates HERE". Notice the word debates in the title. I didn't really mean debates, I meant having discussions and learning from each other, finding the truth. Agreeing to disagree. I should have named the group "Political Discussions HERE", and avoided the "How to Debate" lessons I received from a fellow member.

How to Debate:

1) Sarcasm is a great way to undermine your opponent's confidence while putting on the image of being superior and more educated than they are.

2) By ridiculing your opponents intelligence, you will gain confidence yourself as well as the support of other less confident members.

3) Remember to insult your opponent every chance you get.

4) You're not looking for the truth, you're just trying to win.

I'd advise not engaging in political debates. They never end well.

~La vie est belle, Bri~

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