Sunday, August 4, 2013

27 Ways to Get More Stuff Done

So I am back in a Alaska. Yay.

I hurt my ankle the day of my flight and suffered through a six and a half hour flight which ended with my ankle swollen three times it's size and pulsing in pain. Ouch. I know. So I am kind of confined to the couch for the next week. Well, confined to the couch when my mom is paying attention.

I hate sitting around. I have to be DOING something, and Facebook isn't quite cutting it. So I hopped over to Pinterest for a little bit to ease my boredom and found this little gem, an article about productivity. (P.S. The title has a swear word in it, sorry!)

This got me thinking about everything I have to do this year. It's my senior year of high school, and I'm a little behind on what I'm supposed to have accomplished. That's what I get for graduating early. 
Anyway, my most important priorities are studying for the ACT, becoming a dancing beast, and making sure I have all the credits I need to graduate and get into the college of my choice. Oh yeah, and did I mention I'm supposed to apply to colleges? 


Check ya later, gotta go to do grown-uppy stuff. 

~La vie est belle, Bri~

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